Aiming to provide a circular solution to reducing maritime CO2 emissions, Value Maritime will use its patented device to capture CO2 from the vessel’s exhaust. The captured gas will then be used to charge a CO2 battery, capable of charging and discharging, which will be offloaded in ports and transported to customers in sectors such as agriculture.
The company’s circular solution.
Source: Value Maritime.
Any CO2 contained within the battery will then be reused and the battery returned to the vessel, ready to be recharged with captured CO2.
The company’s Filtree ‘plug and play’ gas cleaning system, currently installed in 12 vessels, will contain the capture module.
Following approval, Value Maritime will begin its loading/offloading at Rotterdam Short Sea Terminal where the batteries will be used to help grow crops at Rotterdam greenhouses.
Commenting on the technology, which could see up to 100% of a vessel’s CO2 emissions being captured, Christiaan Nijst, Co-Founder, Value Maritime, said, “Installing the module will not only be beneficial for our clients, but ensures that the maritime industry can achieve its goals for 2050 in the short term.”
Amidst the intense global focus on reducing harmful emissions, Value Maritime claim that, since 2017, its technology has reduced shipping emissions of sulphur oxides by 1,400 tonnes and ships have ‘avoided’ 85,000 tonnes of CO2.