Saturday 5th June is the date to note in your diaries – and it will be here before you know it. Whilst many will know the importance of the day, as well as the history, gasworld this year thought that we would highlight such day to you, our readers.
The momentous day has been around since 1974 and has since developed into a global celebration to raise awareness and take action on urgent issues to help the world become more sustainable. Covering everything from marine pollution to global warming in the past, World Environment Day has a goal to drive change in the consumption habits, as well as in national and international environmental policy.
In most recent years, plastic pollution, air pollution and biodiversity have been the hot topics, but this year (2021) ecosystem restoration is taking centre stage, with Pakistan playing host.
So, what does this all mean for the industrial gas industry? That’s exactly what gasworld will tell you, our readers, in a five-part series that will explore the role of industrial gases as the world strives for a decarbonised future.
Throughout the course of the week (Monday-Friday), we will delve into hydrogen, carbon capture and storage and utilisation, biomethane/biogas and liquified natural gas, showcasing the importance of each solution and how it can make the world a cleaner, greener environment.
Here’s what you can expect this week:
Tuesday: World Environment Day: The importance of hydrogen for decarbonisation
Wednesday: World Environment Day: The importance of biomethane for decarbonisation
Thursday: World Environment Day: The importance of CCUS for decarbonisation
Friday: World Environment Day: The importance of LNG for decarbonisation