Source: Uttam
Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, Delhi
Uttam is handling, installing and maintaining the plants which are being brought to India to help ease the oxygen shortages experienced at hospitals over the last two weeks due to the surge in cases of patients suffering from Covid-19. Hospitalisations and deaths continue to rise with Delhi especially hit hard.
Source: Uttam
Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, Delhi
Uttam says 21 of the plants are for the Delhi government, 23 for the Indian Army and 11 for the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), which arrived on 5th May.
Eight plants have been donated by France, six of which were operating as of 6th May according to Uttam at Dharamshila Cancer Hospital, Delhi; Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, Delhi; BL Kapoor Hospital, Delhi; Raja Harish; Apollo Hospital, Delhi, and Air Force Hospital, Delhi. Two more at Hyderabad Ambedkar Nagar hospital were expected to be installed by 7th May.
These plants are Novair Premium RX 400 oxygen generators and HP 180 high pressure filling systems. Each unit is capable of supplying a 250 beds hospital site with a continuous supply.
Source: Uttam
Dharmshila Naraina Cancer Hospital, Delhi
The systems’ flow rate (20 m3/h) can provide oxygen to 15 intubated Covid-19 patients in a resuscitation unit (or 30 patients in a conventional resuscitation unit) or 150 patients undergoing oxygen therapy in a conventional hospital ward.
Uttam, with global headquarters in Delhi, recently announced the acquisition of California-based Uttam Composites – formerly Catalina Composites – to manufacture composite cylinders for emerging markets in the UUS, Europe, and Asia.