NevadaNanotech latest sensor innovations are the first to meet the new North American Standards Developing Organisations and global IEC/CENELEC standards as well as AHRTI performance specifications for residential and commercial HVAC and cooling/refrigeration applications.
Bob Christensen, Senior Director Business Development, NevadaNano Systems, said, “Emerging global regulation is putting pressure on HVAC and refrigeration equipment manufacturers to utilise low global warming refrigerants like A2L.”
“Our innovative, versatile MPS gas sensors, which are available for immediate integration, give manufacturers an advanced solution to help them meet the January 2023 deadline for compliance to new global standards.”
In addition to meeting high industry standards, NevadaNanotech said its MPS gas sensors:
- Accurately detect standard A1’s as well emerging A2L’s and A3’s without drift and “false positive” alarms that create costly service calls and frustrated customers.
- Are immune to “poisoning” so they won’t stop working when exposed to common household and industrial chemicals enabling lifetimes exceeding ten years.
- Reduce costs by ending the need to use and maintain multiple sensors in a single location or application.
- Feature rugged designs that adapt to multiple markets and applications including residential and commercial HVAC, data centre cooling, commercial, grocery store, cold chain refrigeration, and transportation and processing refrigeration
- Quickly and accurately locate expensive in refrigerant leaks and proactively mitigate costly refrigerant loss.
- Continuously ensure safer environments for workers and homeowners with fast, accurate, and reliable performance
NevadaNanotech’s range is available, boasting what the company claims to be the industry’s lowest total cost of ownership.