The world’s largest family-run industrial gases specialist took part in the nationwide “Einheitsbuddeln” – a tree-planting campaign for the Day of German Unity.
“Our motto is: we plant trees so that the world does not run out of air,” explained Stefan Messer, CEO of the Messer Group.
In collaboration with the city of Bad Soden, Stefan planted five street trees at the Neuer Kurpark (new spa gardens) – three oriental spruce, one ash and one medlar.
In Krefeld, the company planted a tree in Krefeld’s Erlebniswald (adventure forest) for each of its employee, 100 new oaks.
“Our sustainable actions are based on responsibility for human, the environment and progress. We are committed to protecting our environment and the climate by constantly improving our processes and by focusing technologies that make our customers’ production processes more efficient and resource-efficient,” emphasized Stefan.
Source: Messer