The carbon capture project, titled Project CO2MENT, is a joint partnership between Lafarge Canada, Inventys and Total.
Project CO2MENT will build the ‘world’s first’ full-cycle solution to capture and re-use CO2 from a cement plant whilst reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The collaborative project will showcase Inventy’s CO2 capture system and a selection of LafargeHolcim’s carbon utilisation technologies at its Richmond, British Columbia, Canada cement plant.
“LafargeHolcim is committed to reducing CO2 emissions and we are excited to join forces with Inventys and Total through Project CO2MENT,” said René Thibault, LafargeHolcim’s Region Head, North America.
“We hope to discover ways to capture emissions from our production process and reuse them in our products, advancing a circular economy even further today.”
During the first phrase of the project, the partners will work on purifying the cement flue gas in preparation for CO2 capture. The second phrase will focus on the separation of CO2 from flue gas using a customised cement version of Inventy’s carbon capture technology at pilot scale.
As part of the final phrase, the captured CO2 will be prepared for reuse and support the economical assessment and demonstration of CO2 conversion technologies onsite, such as CO2 injected concrete and fly ash.
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