In November (2018), HyperSolar announced its intention to build a demonstration pilot plant.
HyperSolar to build production pilot plant
While it’s patented nanoparticle (Gen 2) technology is still in development, the company believes it can utilise its proprietary stability coatings and catalysts with readily available commercial solar cells encapsulated in panels with water to demonstrate a renewable hydrogen generation system at production pilot plant scale.
Source: HyperSolar
The pilot plant will initially feature the company’s Gen 1 technology, then as its more advanced and efficient Gen 2 units become available the Gen 1 technology can be replaced without changing the plant infrastructure.
The production plant will ideally be located at or near a distribution centre where hydrogen fuel cell forklifts and material handling equipment is in use.
“We are very confident in moving forward resolutely in the completion of the pilot plant. Its construction and operation will lead us to commercialisation of this truly green technology – which we believe will eventually provide economically-viable, clean hydrogen, through a truly clean process, less expensively than ever before,” said Tim Young, CEO of HyperSolar.
“This plant will not only lead to the initialisation of our Gen 1 offering but will help hasten the development of our truly game changing advanced Gen 2 technology,” Young continued.