The DOE’s programme has successfully deployed various large-scale CCUS pilot and demonstration projects, and believes it is imperative to build upon these learnings to test, mature, and prove CCUS technologies at a commercial scale.
“CCUS technologies are vital to ensuring the US can continue to safely use our vast fossil energy resources, and we are proud to be a global leader in this field,” said Secretary Perry.
“CCUS technologies have transformative potential,” said Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winber.
“Not only will these technologies allow us to utilise our fossil fuel resource in an environmentally friendly manner, but the captured CO2 can also be utilised in enhanced oil recovery, which would help us maximise our energy production.”
Under the first FOA award, Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) Studies for Carbon Capture Systems on Coal and Natural Gas Power Plants, DOE has selected nine projects to receive $55.4m in federal funding for cost-shared (R&D).
Under the second FOA, Regional Initiative to Accelerate CCUS Deployment, DOE selected four projects to receive up to $20m in federal funding for cost-shared R&D.
Under the new FOA, Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE): Site Characterisation and CO2 Capture Assessment, DOE is announcing up to $35m in federal funding for cost-shared R&D projects.
Approximately $75m of the funding is for awards selected under two FOAs announced earlier this fiscal year; $35 is for a new FOA.
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