“CCS is a suite of safe and proven climate change mitigation technologies that prevents large quantities of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere,” said Dr. Tony Zhang, Senior Client Engagement Lead from the Global CCS Institute.
“CCS is internationally recognised by specialist climate change bodies, such as the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), as vital to achieving global climate target under the Paris agreement.”
Discussing the application of CCS in industrial sectors, Mr Ashwani Pahuja, Chief Sustainability & Finance Officer for India’s Dalmia Cement said, “For the decarbonisation of the cement industry in India, the only solution is carbon capture and utilisation (CCU).”
The conference also saw Mr. Yoshihiro Kawaguchi from Japan’s Ministry of Environment, Trade and Industry (METI) discuss the significance of CCS as an emissions reduction technology, and the important role governments can play.
Kawaguchi stated that as the deployment of CCS increases, the cost will decrease. He highlighted an increased opportunity for countries to collaborate on improving the technology.
Dr. Paul Liu, Assistant Professor at the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore said even with the progress of renewables, CCS remains an essential decarbonisation technology whilst highlighting its role in emissions intense industrial processes.
Dr. Liu also addressed the cost of CCS technology, recognising the scope to bring costs down through industrial experience and improving energy efficiency processes.
“A lot of work is currently being done on CCS research and development that will result in driving costs down. Many key sectors are working collaboratively, and this will accelerate cost reduction,” said Associate Professor Liu.
The workshop further highlighted the positive outcomes of the transition of a low emission economy, and the opportunities carbon capture, storage and utilisation technologies present for the South East Asia region.
“The versatility of CCS to deliver deep emissions reductions across all sectors, as well as presenting an enormous opportunity for the creation of a new low emissions economy, is a great strength of the technology,” said Dr. Zhang.
“This is of particular relevance for Singapore with the presence of an emissions intense petrochemical production industry.”
There are currently 43 large-scale CCS facilities globally, 18 commercially, five under construction and 20 in various stages of development. Australia’s first CCS facility is due to come onstream this year.
Transition to low emissions economy presents growth opportunity for Australia
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