In its updated enterprise strategy, the Norway-based company set out growth ambitions with the energy industry and beyond, with aims to derive 25% of its revenue from distinct low-carbon solutions by the year 2030.
“Growth in segments such as renewables and CCUS increases the addressable market for Aker Solutions,” said Luis Arauho, Aker Solutions CEO.
“Our ambition is to become the recognised leader in low carbon offerings and sustainability solutions. We will achieve this through realising our long-term ambition of 20/25/30.”
Aker Solutions has been developing low carbon solutions for many years, and the company has delivered or in involved in several projects in the segment.
“The world will continue to see rising energy demand and the challenge for our industry is the need to deliver with this significantly lower carbon emissions.”
Exclusive interview with Aker Solutions Vice-President and Head of CCUS Technologies
Aker Solutions also aims to derive 20% of its revenue from renewable energy.