The acquisition adds to A-Gas’ existing in-house destruction capability through the purchase of PyroPlas® plasma arc destruction technology for fluorocarbon and non-fluorocarbon applications.
A-Gas already has more than 25 years’ experience in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerants, service gases and associated products and group CEO Jack Govers enthused, “This is an exciting addition to our global business; it marks a further step in our commitment to effective product stewardship and lifecycle management.”
“With the addition of PyroPlas® we are proud to offer the most complete refrigerant management capability in the world.”
Vivek Nair and Neville Taylor, the co-founders of Salience Solutions based in Melbourne, Australia, will be joining the A-Gas team following the acquisition.
Nair reflected, “Neville and I are delighted to join A-Gas and become part of their global team. A-Gas has a rich history of developing recovery and reclamation technology which is market leading, so we see their business as a great home for our proprietary and recognised plasma arc destruction equipment.”
“We really look forward to continuing to develop the product and opportunities for destruction of all wastes on a global basis.”
The deal is the seventh integral acquisition by A-Gas since the investment by private equity firm, KKR.
In 2017, A-Gas acquired the Netherlands-based reclamation business, BTC, followed by Diversified Pure Chem in the US and Arthur Friedrichs Kältemittel in Germany in 2018.
More recently, A-Gas acquired Singapore-based VEMAC Services in 2019; and H3R Clean Agents in the US and the former Safety Hi Tech reclamation facility in Italy this year.
Ken Logan, A-Gas Group Commercial Director, commented on the natural fit with Salience Solutions, with the two companies having also previously worked together. “A-Gas has enjoyed a good working relationship with the founders of Salience Solutions having acquired technology and expertise from them in the past to build our destruction capability in the US,” he said.
“This has also allowed us to build a successful carbon offset business in the region through destroying ozone depleting substances. We are pleased to be able to bring this team and technology into A-Gas so that we can offer similar end of life services to all our customers on a global basis going forwards.”