From hydrogen to hydrocarbons, today we hear from Gas Innovations’ Vice-President Ashley Madray, who says one of the company’s greatest achievements of 2019 includes the acquisition and related deliveries of large sums of cryogenic hydrocarbons, ethane, ethylene and methane (LNG).
Gas Innovations is a producer, purifier and packager of high purity hydrocarbon specialty gases.
The Texas-based company provides hydrocarbons in the full spectrum of packages, including disposable through rail and international shipment via ISO containers to the US and worldwide.
ISO containers include the liquified petroleum gas (LPG) style as well as cryogenic and compressed tube ISO modules.
Gasworld (GW): What role does Gas Innovations play in the industrial gas industry?
Ashley Madray (AM): Historically Gas Innovations has been a wholesale provider to the industrial gas industry.
Today more products and services are sold directly to customers requiring substantial investments and more project related, taking a longer time to develop.
A key competitive advantage for Gas Innovations has been its asset base allowing for a readily available shipment of product without a need to acquire an asset.
GW: As we near the end of 2019, tell us about three significant achievements from this year?
AM: The greatest achievements of 2019 include the acquisition and related deliveries of large sums of cryogenic hydrocarbons, ethane, ethylene and methane (LNG).
Other achievements would be the success of our export of products including over one hundred ISO containers to a single customer in Asia.
GW: Is ethane still a sweet spot for Gas Innovations at the moment?
AM: Ethane remains a key product for Gas Innovations. As of the writing of this review, we are finalising a very large export shipment to Asia.
GW: What liquid/gas do you think will be big for Gas Innovations in the year ahead?
AM: The continued growth of demand for cryogenic hydrocarbons along with hydrogen chloride and carbon monoxide will bode well for Gas Innovations in 2020.
Source: Gas Innovations
GW: Where’s the focus for 2020? What does Gas Innovations have planned?
AM: Backward integration of supply and more assets will be key for 2020.
GW: Finally, if you had one thing on your bucket list for the gases industry, what would it be and why?
AM: My bucket list for the industry includes a solution for CO2. CO2 production and distribution either from waste or some alternative feed/supply is going to yield great things for our industry or the leader of this movement.
New technologies are being studied to make CO2 available more economically and certainly in a more favourable environmental manner.
The 2019 in Review Series continues next week with Air Products, Albatross, Cambridge Carbon Capture, Thermo and Kriosystem.